Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I was thinking tonight about the things in my life that bring me comfort.

I have these shabby (okay - and a little dirty) slip on sneakers from Old Navy.
And yes.  I feel you judging me now.   They look a little shabbier
on camera --- but......they are SO comfortable!

I love my home.   When I walk up to my backdoor at the end of the day,
it's warm and inviting.  I feel safe.  I feel  total comfort inside this door.

And without a doubt, I find "comfort" in my favorite foods.  I enjoyed this one

A bowl of cheese grits!

There are others.

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches.

Chicken Corn Chowder Soup.    

Cornbread drizzled in honey.


And one of my favorites - especially in the morning.

A cup of coffee with my hazelnut creamer.  Pure comfort!

Without a doubt, I find comfort in relationships -- especially with my family.   Scott
brings me a ton of comfort.

I used to think that God must be all about my comfort.

That is His goal, right??

That I be without fear.....without uneasiness......without risk.

That I be totally and completely comfortable.

I'm afraid the answer to that is sadly, "no."

Well, maybe not "sadly, no."

More like.     HECK NO!

I don't believe God is concerned at all with my "comfort."

He's more interested in me being "useful" to Him.

And available.

Don't get me wrong.

I do need and enjoy comfortable things in my life.

I just don't need to cling to and hang onto those things,

at the expense of following Him.

To those places.

To those situations.

In those conversations.

and opportunities that He brings across my path.

That STRETCH ME and make me feel uneasy.

I spent a good many years of my life protecting myself from risk.

Comfort was my goal for a very long time.

It was what I wanted most.

I never considered that always playing it safe.

Avoiding what made me afraid.




Would actually be the very thing.

The very thing.


I wish you could learn from my mistakes.

As I talk to women.

I hear so many of them talk about FEAR.

I'm afraid to open up and share myself with others.

I'm afraid to move from my hometown.

I'm afraid to go that far from home.

I'm afraid to leave that job.

I'm afraid to end that relationship.

I'm afraid to confront that person.

I'm afraid to fly that far.

I'm afraid.

Many times, fears become paralyzing.

Fears keep us stuck.

Fears keep us from fulfilling the very purpose we were put on
planet earth to accomplish.

From really doing the thing.

Living life.

Living the life that God wants to provide for us.

I wish I could get you to see.

My mistake.

But I understand.

I had to find it out on my own, too.

Taking more risks.

Being willing to be uncomfortable and uneasy.

It has transformed my life.

No exaggeration.

It has given me life.

Without a doubt...... a more abundant life.

All I did was start.

I did what was uncomfortable.

God provided me greater strength.

I did what made me uneasy.

God provided me greater courage.


I don't blink at getting on a plane and flying to the other side of the world.

I discovered an amazing thing.

Facing my fears did not kill me.

It's there, I FOUND life.

On the other side of my fear.

And so can you.

There's plenty I don't know.

But this one?

I got it!

I'm not ever going back.


  1. Ok Kathy Hendricks-Dublin...I get it! God finds my fear of flying humorous Im sure. In fact one day when I had expressed this fear to someone ...the VERY next day guess what the title of my devotion was? "Fear of Flying"! Haha. He gets me that's for sure!
    Thank you for these words of wisdom. I know that I am my biggest block from finding "life" and "life abundantly"! God's working on me "sigh"

    1. I'm thinking it's time for you to woman up & come with me to Kenya. Not to mention -- be obedient. That's what I think. :)
