Monday, June 4, 2018

Moth Catching

I rescue moths.

That find themselves in my house.

I don't mind them.

Most are soft & light & gentle.

Catching them is a different story.

It's tricky business.

They flit around.

trying to evade me.

All the while I'm reassuring them.

Let me help you.

Come on.

Just be still a minute.

They don't understand.

And clearly they don't trust me.

I guess word hasn't gotten around.

In moth world.

That I'm trying to help.

And protect them.

Many evenings.

I'm in my studio upstairs in our old house.

The window is open.

My cats enjoy being out on the porch roof.

Just as it's getting dark.

I think it gives them a sense of power.

To be up that high.

Undetected to things below.

The downside to this practice?

Moths sometimes slip inside.

And if I'm not attentive.

One of my cats will quickly intervene.

It's too much to resist.

All that darting and flitting around.

I imagine sometimes.

That must be how Jesus sees me.

I'm spinning and rolling over worries and concerns.

In my life.

That problem at work.

Fears about my future.

Concerns for my family.


And all the while.

As I'm darting and flitting around.

He's patiently standing there.

Wanting to be my protector.

To give me peace.

And a better life.

If only.

I would be still.

"....most of your mental energy 

goes into efforts to figure things out.

I look into your mind 

and see thoughts spinning round and round;

going nowhere, 

accomplishing nothing.   

All the while 

My Peace hovers over you, 

searching for a place to land..."

"Jesus Calling"   Sarah Young

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