Saturday, September 21, 2019

When I Make God Small

When I stand at the edge of the ocean.

Or look out the window of a plane.

It's easy for me to remember.

God is big.

And I am small.

But many times in my life.

When I'm in the routine of my day to day.

When my week ahead is all I see.

And I'm all about my plans.

What I want to do.

How I feel.

What I see.

Without even being aware of it.

I make God small.

It's in those times.

He's limited to my life experiences.

And my point of view.

He definitely needs my help.

I jump in and work things out.

And then.

Ask for his okay.

I see things through the lens of me.

The universe.

Is most definitely.


 Around me.

When I make God small.

I loom big.

So does my place in the world.


He's patient.

And good to me.

It only takes a shift.

In my circumstances.

Or a disruption in my little world.

And then I see.

Oh, yeah.

Now I remember who you are.

You are God.

And you are not small.

You raised the Tetons.

 And filled the oceans.

You know the heart of every person on the planet.

And you've seen every generation pass through since the beginning of time.

But in a more personal way.

You've allowed me to know you.

During hardships.

And prayers.

Some answered.

And others not.

You've provided for me in a million different ways.

And made sure.

I always knew.

You care.

I may forget sometimes.



It's not for long.

And you wait patiently on me.

When I.

Make you small.

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