Do you know what I love to do?
Cut grass.
At our house, that's pretty much my established job.
There is something completely satisfying about cutting grass.
I can look behind me and see exactly where I've been.
And exactly what I've accomplished.
I don't have to tell you.
There's not too many places in my life, where I can do that.
So. It's the last few days of 2012.
And.......I'm doing what I do when I cut grass.
Glancing behind me.
To see where I've been.
Do you ever do that?
Not dwell on it.
Or obsess about it.
But look back just long enough to see....
And ask.
Did my existence on the planet make a "hill a beans" of difference this year?
As a cancer survivor, I can tell you.
The effectiveness and usefulness of my life is something I think about.
I want to make a difference with the time that I'm here.
Mostly, I just want to be someone Jesus can use in this world.
So, I'm looking back over my shoulder......just a little while today.
With some questions about this last year.
Did I make my time with Him a priority?
Did I offer forgiveness?
Was I willing to serve?
Did I have a hard conversation that's been a long time coming?
What was I willing to let go of this year?
Did I grow in understanding?
Who did I reach out to this year?
Did I depend on Him more?
Am I any different or changed at the end of this year, than I was when it started?
I wish the answers to those questions was as easy for me to distinguish as my grass cutting.
I have a feeling it is......for Him.
" I am preparing you for what is on the road ahead, just around the bend.
Take time to be still in My presence so that I can strengthen you.
The busier you become, the more you need this time apart with Me.
So many people think that time spent with Me is a luxury they cannot afford.
As a result, they live and work in their own strength -- until that becomes depleted.
Then they either cry out for help or turn away in bitterness.
How much better to walk close to Me,
depending on my strength and trusting Me in every situation.
If you live this way, you will do less but accomplish far more.
Your unhurried pace of living will stand out in this rush crazed age.
Some people may deem you lazy, but many more
will be blessed by your peacefulness.
Walk in the light with Me, and you will reflect Me
to the watching world."
Sarah Young, "Jesus Calling."
Isaiah 64:4 John 15:5 Psalm 36:9